divendres, 8 d’abril del 2011

Film Review


I watched 'Herois' on peliculasyonkies last Sunday.
It's a drama an it take place in the past.
I enjoyed the film because it was very interesting. I thought the music was very aporpiate for every moment.
The actors ware Herois. My favorite actor were Àlex Monner and Marc Balaguer.
The best part of the film was when they recovered the hut.
The ending was very exciting. It was funny!

St. Patrick day's

St. Patrick

1- Where is Ireland?
Ireland is an island in the eastern part of the North Atlantic.

2- How far is Ireland from New York?
Ireland is 3.000 miles far from New York.

3- Is West Virginia larger than Ireland?
That's slightly larger than the state of West Virginia.

4- How many provinces has Ireland got?
Ireland has 4 provinces.

5- How many counties has Northern Ireland got?
There are 32 counties: 6 in Northern Ireland, and 26 in Ireland.

6- What happened during the Great Potato Famine?
Before the Great potato Famine, Ireland's population was over 8 million.

7- What does the Irish flag symbolize?
The Irish flag symbolizes the union of north and south in peace.

8- Why is Ireland called”The Emerald Isle”?
Ireland is called”The emerald Isle” due to frequent rainfall, resulting in lush

9- What does the shamrock symbolize?
Shamrock are the Irish food-luck symbol.

10- How did St. Patrick explain the Holy Trinity?
According to legend, St. Patrick used the three leaves to explain the Holy trinity.

11- What's the real national symbol of Ireland?
The national symbol, is the Celtic harp, not the shamrock.

12- What's the capital of Ireland?
Ireland's capital city is Dublin.

13- How big is the Guinness factory?
Dublin is home to the Guinness factory the largest stout brewery in the world.

14- Who established the Guinness company?
In 1759, Arthur Guinness signed a 9.000 year lease for the brewery site.

15- How many beers does an Irish drink every year?
The Irish consume an average 131.1 liters of beer per year.

16- How many people kiss the Blarney stone every year?
Kiss it, and legend says you'll get the gift of gab.

17- Why are the Cliffs of Moher so famous?
The Cliffs of moher are one of the most popular tourist attractions in Ireland.

18- Where was St. Patrick born?
On March 17th, St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in Dublin ans all over the world.

19- How many people visit Ireland every year?
Ireland has over 8 million visitors every year.

20- How many people in the world say they have Irish ancestors?
There are an estimated 80 million people who claim Irish ancestry all over the world.

dimarts, 5 d’abril del 2011

Expressing Disbelief

A) I was at the beach When I saw Àlex Monner!
B) You're kidding! what did you do?
A) I introduced myself,of course!
B) Are you serious?
A) Yes! And then he took a photo with me
B) No way! I don't believe you!
A) Why not? It's true!